For Reservation

Personal information

*required fields

Name* Please complete
Family* Please complete
Email * Please write a valid email
Phone * Please write a valid phone number

My room:

Choose room * Please select an option
Choose accommodation type* Please select an option
Choose number of rooms* Please select an option
Preference food * Please select an option


Please indicate the age of the children in the "Additional notes" field at the bottom of the form.
Children up to 2 years of age.
Children from 3 to 12 years of age.
Baby cot
Adults * Please complete
Accommodation together * Please complete


Accommodation * Please select the date of accommodation
Departure * Please select the date of accommodation
Book by: * Please select an option
Additional notes:
Enter the verification code: * 1234

Successfully made a reservation, soon we will contact you for confirmation.

Wrong verification code or sending error.